Convert a hex color code to an RGBA tuple. |
A class containing all the fault and fold summaries and relationships |
Base Class of Fault Orientation assigner to force structure of FaultOrientation |
FaultOrientation class which estimates fault orientation based on nearest orientation |
A wrapper around map2model functionality |
A data structure containing all the map data loaded from map files |
The main entry point into using map2loop |
Base Class of Sampler used to force structure of Sampler |
Decimator sampler class which decimates the geo data frame based on the decimation value ie. |
Spacing based sampler which decimates the geo data frame based on the distance between points along a line or in the case of a polygon along the boundary of that polygon ie. |
Base Class of Sorter used to force structure of Sorter |
Sorter class which returns a sorted list of units based on the min and max ages of the units |
Sorter class which returns a sorted list of units based on the adjacency of units prioritising the units with lower number of contacting units |
Sorter class which only returns the hint (no algorithm for sorting is done in this class) |
Sorter class which returns a sorted list of units based on the unit relationships using a topological graph sorting algorithm |
A class containing all the fault and fold summaries and relationships |
Base Class of Thickness Calculator used to force structure of ThicknessCalculator |
ThicknessCalculator class which estimates unit thickness based on units, basal_contacts and stratigraphic order |
Base Class of Throw Calculator used to force structure of ThrowCalculator |
ThrowCalculator class which estimates fault throw values based on units, basal_contacts and stratigraphic order |