
class map2loop.project.Project(verbose_level: VerboseLevel = VerboseLevel.ALL, tmp_path: str = 'm2l_data_tmp', working_projection=None, bounding_box=None, use_australian_state_data: str = '', geology_filename: str = '', structure_filename: str = '', fault_filename: str = '', fault_orientation_filename: str = '', fold_filename: str = '', dtm_filename: str = '', config_filename: Path | str = '', config_dictionary: dict = {}, clut_filename: Path | str = '', clut_file_legacy: bool = False, save_pre_checked_map_data: bool = False, loop_project_filename: str = '', overwrite_loopprojectfile: bool = False, **kwargs)#

Bases: object

The main entry point into using map2loop


verbose_level: m2l_enums.VerboseLevel

A selection that defines how much console logging is output

samplers: Sampler

A list of samplers used to extract point samples from polyonal or line segments. Indexed by m2l_enum.Dataype

sorter: Sorter

The sorting algorithm to use for calculating the stratigraphic column

thickness_calculator: ThicknessCalulator

The algorithm to use for making unit thickness estimations

loop_filename: str

The name of the loop project file used in this project

map_data: MapData

The structure that holds all map and dtm data

map2model: Map2ModelWrapper

A wrapper around the map2model module that extracts unit and fault adjacency

stratigraphic_column: StratigraphicColumn

The structure that holds the unit information and ordering

deformation_history: DeformationHistory

The structura that holds the fault and fold information and interactions

The initialiser for the map2loop project

param verbose_level:

How much console output is sent. Defaults to VerboseLevel.ALL.

type verbose_level:

VerboseLevel, optional

param tmp_path:

The directory for storing temporary files. Defaults to “./m2l_data_tmp”.

type tmp_path:

str, optional

param working_projection:

The EPSG projection to use. Defaults to None.

type working_projection:

str or int, optional

param bounding_box:

The boundary extents of the project (m). Defaults to None.

type bounding_box:

list or dict, optional

param use_australian_state_data:

Whether to use default state data and which state to use. Defaults to “”.

type use_australian_state_data:

str, optional

param geology_filename:

The filename of the geology shapefile. Defaults to “”.

type geology_filename:

str, optional

param structure_filename:

The filename of the structure shapefile. Defaults to “”.

type structure_filename:

str, optional

param fault_filename:

The filename of the fault shapefile. Defaults to “”.

type fault_filename:

str, optional

param fault_orientation_filename:

The filename of the fault orientation shapefile. Defaults to “”.

type fault_orientation_filename:

str, optional

param fold_filename:

The filename fo the fold shapefile. Defaults to “”.

type fold_filename:

str, optional

param dtm_filename:

The filename of the digital terrain map to use. Defaults to “”.

type dtm_filename:

str, optional

param config_filename:

The filename of the configuration json file to use (if not using config_dictionary). Defaults to “”.

type config_filename:

str, optional

param config_dictionary:

A dictionary version of the configuration file. Defaults to {}.

type config_dictionary:

dict, optional

param clut_filename:

The filename of the colour look up table to use. Defaults to “”.

type clut_filename:

str, optional

param clut_file_legacy:

A flag to indicate if the clut file is in the legacy format. Defaults to False.

type clut_file_legacy:

bool, optional

param save_pre_checked_map_data:

A flag to save all map data to file before use. Defaults to False.

type save_pre_checked_map_data:

bool, optional

param loop_project_filename:

The filename of the loop project file. Defaults to “”.

type loop_project_filename:

str, optional

raises TypeError:

Type of working_projection not a str or int

raises ValueError:

bounding_box not length 4 or 6

raises TypeError:

Type of bounding_box not a dict or tuple

raises ValueError:

use_australian_state_data not in state list [‘WA’, ‘SA’, ‘QLD’, ‘NSW’, ‘TAS’, ‘VIC’, ‘ACT’, ‘NT’]

__init__(verbose_level: VerboseLevel = VerboseLevel.ALL, tmp_path: str = 'm2l_data_tmp', working_projection=None, bounding_box=None, use_australian_state_data: str = '', geology_filename: str = '', structure_filename: str = '', fault_filename: str = '', fault_orientation_filename: str = '', fold_filename: str = '', dtm_filename: str = '', config_filename: Path | str = '', config_dictionary: dict = {}, clut_filename: Path | str = '', clut_file_legacy: bool = False, save_pre_checked_map_data: bool = False, loop_project_filename: str = '', overwrite_loopprojectfile: bool = False, **kwargs)#

The initialiser for the map2loop project

  • verbose_level (VerboseLevel, optional) – How much console output is sent. Defaults to VerboseLevel.ALL.

  • tmp_path (str, optional) – The directory for storing temporary files. Defaults to “./m2l_data_tmp”.

  • working_projection (str or int, optional) – The EPSG projection to use. Defaults to None.

  • bounding_box (list or dict, optional) – The boundary extents of the project (m). Defaults to None.

  • use_australian_state_data (str, optional) – Whether to use default state data and which state to use. Defaults to “”.

  • geology_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the geology shapefile. Defaults to “”.

  • structure_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the structure shapefile. Defaults to “”.

  • fault_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the fault shapefile. Defaults to “”.

  • fault_orientation_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the fault orientation shapefile. Defaults to “”.

  • fold_filename (str, optional) – The filename fo the fold shapefile. Defaults to “”.

  • dtm_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the digital terrain map to use. Defaults to “”.

  • config_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the configuration json file to use (if not using config_dictionary). Defaults to “”.

  • config_dictionary (dict, optional) – A dictionary version of the configuration file. Defaults to {}.

  • clut_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the colour look up table to use. Defaults to “”.

  • clut_file_legacy (bool, optional) – A flag to indicate if the clut file is in the legacy format. Defaults to False.

  • save_pre_checked_map_data (bool, optional) – A flag to save all map data to file before use. Defaults to False.

  • loop_project_filename (str, optional) – The filename of the loop project file. Defaults to “”.

  • TypeError – Type of working_projection not a str or int

  • ValueError – bounding_box not length 4 or 6

  • TypeError – Type of bounding_box not a dict or tuple

  • ValueError – use_australian_state_data not in state list [‘WA’, ‘SA’, ‘QLD’, ‘NSW’, ‘TAS’, ‘VIC’, ‘ACT’, ‘NT’]


__init__([verbose_level, tmp_path, ...])

The initialiser for the map2loop project


Apply the clut file to the units in the stratigraphic column



Use unit relationships, unit ages and the sorter to create a stratigraphic column


Use the stratigraphic column, and fault and contact data to estimate unit thicknesses

draw_geology_map([points, overlay])

Plots the geology map with optional points or specific data


Use the stratigraphic column, and fault and geology data to extract points along contacts


Get the name of the fault orientation calculator being used


Get the cutoff length for faults


Get the sampler name being used for a datatype


Get the name of the sorter being used


Get the name of the thickness calculator being used


Get the name of the throw calculator being used

run_all([user_defined_stratigraphic_column, ...])

Runs the full map2loop process


Use the samplers to extract points along polylines or unit boundaries

save_geotiff_raster([filename, projection, ...])

Saves the geology map to a geotiff


Creates or updates a loop project file with all the data extracted from the map2loop process

save_mapdata_to_files([save_path, extension])

Saves the map data frames to csv files


Initialisation function to set or reset the point samplers


Set the fault orientation calculator that estimates fault orientation values for all faults


Set the ignore codes (a list of unit names to ignore in the geology shapefile)


Set the cutoff length for faults to ignore

set_sampler(datatype, sampler)

Set the point sampler for a specific datatype


Set the sorter for determining stratigraphic order of units


Set the thickness calculator that estimates unit thickness of all units


Set the throw calculator that estimates fault throw values for all faults


Sort the units in the stratigraphic column data structure to match the column order


Use the fault shapefile to make a summary of each fault by name


Apply the clut file to the units in the stratigraphic column


Use unit relationships, unit ages and the sorter to create a stratigraphic column


Use the stratigraphic column, and fault and contact data to estimate unit thicknesses

draw_geology_map(points: DataFrame = None, overlay: str = '')#

Plots the geology map with optional points or specific data

  • points (pandas.DataFrame, optional) – A dataframe to overlay on the geology map (must contains “X” and “Y” columns). Defaults to None.

  • overlay (str, optional) – Layer of points to overlay (options are “contacts”, “basal_contacts”, “orientations”, “faults”). Defaults to “”.


Use the stratigraphic column, and fault and geology data to extract points along contacts


Get the name of the fault orientation calculator being used


str – The name of the fault orientation calculator used

get_minimum_fault_length() float#

Get the cutoff length for faults


float – The cutoff length

get_sampler(datatype: Datatype)#

Get the sampler name being used for a datatype


datatype (Datatype) – The datatype of the sampler


str – The name of the sampler being used on the specified datatype


Get the name of the sorter being used


str – The name of the sorter used


Get the name of the thickness calculator being used


str – The name of the thickness calculator used


Get the name of the throw calculator being used


str – The name of the throw calculator used

run_all(user_defined_stratigraphic_column=None, take_best=False)#

Runs the full map2loop process


user_defined_stratigraphic_column (None or list, optional) – A user fed list that overrides the stratigraphic column sorter. Defaults to None.


Use the samplers to extract points along polylines or unit boundaries

save_geotiff_raster(filename: str = 'test.tif', projection: str = '', pixel_size: int = 25)#

Saves the geology map to a geotiff

  • filename (str, optional) – The filename of the geotiff file to save to. Defaults to “test.tif”.

  • projection (str, optional) – A string of the format “EPSG:3857” that is the projection to output. Defaults to the project working projection

  • pixel_size (int, optional) – The size of a pixel in metres for the geotiff. Defaults to 25


Creates or updates a loop project file with all the data extracted from the map2loop process

save_mapdata_to_files(save_path: str = '.', extension: str = '')#

Saves the map data frames to csv files

  • save_path (str, optional) – The path to save the file to. Defaults to “.”.

  • extension (str, optional) – An alternate extension to save the GeoDataFrame in. Defaults to “.csv”.


Initialisation function to set or reset the point samplers

set_fault_orientation(fault_orientation: FaultOrientation)#

Set the fault orientation calculator that estimates fault orientation values for all faults


fault_orientation (FaultOrientation) – The calculator to use. Must be of base class FaultOrientation

set_ignore_codes(codes: list)#

Set the ignore codes (a list of unit names to ignore in the geology shapefile)


codes (list) – The list of strings to ignore

set_minimum_fault_length(length: float)#

Set the cutoff length for faults to ignore


length (float) – The cutoff length

set_sampler(datatype: Datatype, sampler: Sampler)#

Set the point sampler for a specific datatype

  • datatype (Datatype) – The datatype to use this sampler on

  • sampler (Sampler) – The sampler to use

set_sorter(sorter: Sorter)#

Set the sorter for determining stratigraphic order of units


sorter (Sorter) – The sorter to use. Must be of base class Sorter

set_thickness_calculator(thickness_calculator: ThicknessCalculator)#

Set the thickness calculator that estimates unit thickness of all units


thickness_calculator (ThicknessCalculator) – The calculator to use. Must be of base class ThicknessCalculator

set_throw_calculator(throw_calculator: ThrowCalculator)#

Set the throw calculator that estimates fault throw values for all faults


throw_calculator (ThrowCalculator) – The calculator to use. Must be of base class ThrowCalculator


Sort the units in the stratigraphic column data structure to match the column order


Use the fault shapefile to make a summary of each fault by name