- class map2loop.project.SamplerDecimator(decimation: int = 1)#
Decimator sampler class which decimates the geo data frame based on the decimation value ie. decimation = 10 means take every tenth point Note: This only works on data frames with lists of points with columns “X” and “Y”
Initialiser for decimator sampler
- Parameters:
decimation (int, optional) – stride of the points to sample. Defaults to 1.
- __init__(decimation: int = 1)#
Initialiser for decimator sampler
- Parameters:
decimation (int, optional) – stride of the points to sample. Defaults to 1.
([decimation])Initialiser for decimator sampler
(spatial_data[, map_data])Execute sample method takes full point data, samples the data and returns the decimated points
()Getter for subclass type label
- sample(spatial_data: GeoDataFrame, map_data: MapData | None = None) DataFrame #
Execute sample method takes full point data, samples the data and returns the decimated points
- Parameters:
spatial_data (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – the data frame to sample
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – the sampled data points
- type()#
Getter for subclass type label
- Returns:
str – Name of subclass