- class map2loop.project.DeformationHistory#
A class containing all the fault and fold summaries and relationships
- minimum_fault_length_to_export#
The cutoff for ignoring faults. Any fault shorter than this is not exported
- Type:
- history#
The time ordered list of deformation events
- Type:
- faultColumns#
Column names and types for fault summary
- Type:
- foldColumns#
Column names and types for fold summary
- Type:
- faults#
The fault summary
- Type:
- folds#
The fold summary
- Type:
The initialiser for the deformation history. All attributes are defaulted
- __init__()#
The initialiser for the deformation history. All attributes are defaulted
()The initialiser for the deformation history.
(fault)Add fault to the fault summary
(fold)Add fold to the fold summary
(id)Find the fault in the summary based on its eventId
(id)Find the fold in the summary based on its eventId
Ammend the fault relationships DataFrame with the fault eventIds
Get the faults for export (removes any fault that is shorter than the cutoff)
Getter for the fault length cutoff
(faults_map_data)Populate the fault (and fold) summaries from a geodataframe
(eventId)Remove the fault from the summary by eventId
(name)Remove the fault from the summary by name
(length)Sets the minimum fault length to export
(fault_observations)Use fault observations data to add summary data for each fault
- addFault(fault)#
Add fault to the fault summary
- Parameters:
fault (pandas.DataFrame or dict) – The fault information to add
- addFold(fold)#
Add fold to the fold summary
- Parameters:
fold (pandas.DataFrame or dict) – The fold information to add
- findfault(id)#
Find the fault in the summary based on its eventId
- Parameters:
id (int or str) – The eventId or name to look for
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The sliced data frame containing the requested fault
- findfold(id)#
Find the fold in the summary based on its eventId
- Parameters:
id (int or str) – The eventId or name to look for
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The sliced data frame containing the requested fold
- get_fault_relationships_with_ids(fault_fault_relationships: DataFrame)#
Ammend the fault relationships DataFrame with the fault eventIds
- Parameters:
fault_fault_relationships (pandas.DataFrame) – The fault_fault_relationships
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The fault_relationships with the correct eventIds
- get_faults_for_export()#
Get the faults for export (removes any fault that is shorter than the cutoff)
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The filtered fault summary
- get_minimum_fault_length()#
Getter for the fault length cutoff
- Returns:
float – The fault length cutoff
- populate(faults_map_data: GeoDataFrame)#
Populate the fault (and fold) summaries from a geodataframe
- Parameters:
faults_map_data (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – The parsed data frame from the map
- removeFaultByEventId(eventId: int)#
Remove the fault from the summary by eventId
- Parameters:
eventId (int) – The eventId of the fault to remove
- removeFaultByName(name: str)#
Remove the fault from the summary by name
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the fault(s) to remove
- set_minimum_fault_length(length)#
Sets the minimum fault length to export
- Parameters:
length (float or int) – The fault length cutoff
- summarise_data(fault_observations: DataFrame)#
Use fault observations data to add summary data for each fault
- Parameters:
fault_observations (pandas.DataFrame) – The fault observations data