- class map2loop.stratigraphic_column.StratigraphicColumn#
A class containing all the fault and fold summaries and relationships
- column#
List of stratigraphic units in time order
- Type:
- groups#
List of stratigraphic groups in time order
- Type:
- stratigraphicUnitColumns#
Column names and types for stratigraphic unit summary
- Type:
- stratigraphicUnits#
The stratigraphic units
- Type:
- lithologyUnitColumns#
Column names and types for lithology layer summary
- Type:
- lithologyUnits#
The lithology units
- Type:
The initialiser for the stratigraphic units. All attributes are defaulted
- __init__()#
The initialiser for the stratigraphic units. All attributes are defaulted
()The initialiser for the stratigraphic units.
(unit)Add lithology unit to the units list
(unit)Add stratigraphic unit to the units list
Find the lithology unit in the units list based on its layerId or name
Find the unit in the units list based on its layerId or name
(geology_map_data)Parse the geodataframe data into the stratigraphic units list
Set a specific parameter on a specific stratigraphic unit
(relationshipList)Sort the stratigraphic column based on the list of name
- addLithologyUnit(unit)#
Add lithology unit to the units list
- Parameters:
fault (pandas.DataFrame or dict) – The unit information to add
- addStratigraphicUnit(unit)#
Add stratigraphic unit to the units list
- Parameters:
fault (pandas.DataFrame or dict) – The unit information to add
- findLithologyUnit(id)#
Find the lithology unit in the units list based on its layerId or name
- Parameters:
id (int or str) – The layerId or name to look for
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The sliced data frame containing the requested unit
- findStratigraphicUnit(id)#
Find the unit in the units list based on its layerId or name
- Parameters:
id (int or str) – The layerId or name to look for
- Returns:
pandas.DataFrame – The sliced data frame containing the requested unit
- populate(geology_map_data: GeoDataFrame)#
Parse the geodataframe data into the stratigraphic units list
- Parameters:
geology_map_data (geopandas.GeoDataFrame) – The geodataframe with the unit data
- set_stratigraphic_unit_parameter_by_name(name: str, parameter: str, value)#
Set a specific parameter on a specific stratigraphic unit
- Parameters:
name (str) – The name of the stratigraphic unit
parameter (str) – The colmn name of the parameters
value (str or int or float) – The value to set
- sort_from_relationship_list(relationshipList: list)#
Sort the stratigraphic column based on the list of name
- Parameters:
relationshipList (list) – The order of the units by name