Source code for FoldOptLib.examples.misc_functions

import numpy as np

[docs] def sample_random_dataset(bounding_box, sample_size=2, seed=180): """ Generate a random dataset of 3D coordinates within a specified model bounding box. Parameters ---------- bounding_box : ndarray A 3x3 array where each row represents the minimum and maximum values of x and y coordinates. sample_size : int, optional The number of random samples to generate. Default is 2. seed : int, optional The seed for the random number generator for reproducibility. Default is 180. Returns ------- random_xyz : ndarray A sample_size x 3 array of random 3D coordinates within the specified bounding box. """ # Set the seed for the random number generator for reproducible results np.random.seed(seed) # Extract the maximum x and y coordinates from the bounding box xmax, ymax = bounding_box[1, 0], bounding_box[1, 1] # Define the maximum z coordinate (fixed at 0 to only sample model's surface) zmax = 0. # Generate 'sample_size' number of random x-coordinates xn = np.random.uniform(low=bounding_box[0, 0], high=xmax, size=sample_size) # Generate 'sample_size' number of random y-coordinates yn = np.random.uniform(low=bounding_box[0, 1], high=ymax, size=sample_size) # Create an array of z-coordinates, all set to 'zmax' (fixed z-coordinate for all points) zn = np.tile(zmax, sample_size) # Combine the x, y, and z coordinates into a single 2D array (shape: sample_size x 3) random_xyz = np.array([xn, yn, zn]).T return random_xyz